Boundaries on the Chaos

Some of our relationships on quarantine get magnified, and some of that is wonderful. But there’s another side to be aware of. Sometimes relationships are destructive. In situations where there is abuse, whether physical, mental, sexual or emotional - please, please, please reach out to someone (your pastors would be more than open to hear from you or you could try a national hotline listed HERE).

For many of us, the chaos is not that intense, but it’s still very real. Today, let’s do some thinking about those relationships. Remember, at the beginning there was chaos, also.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. - Genesis 1:1-2

This week we’ve thought about the UP IN OUT relationships we all have (and the relationship with ourselves). They are UP towards God, IN towards those closest to you and OUT to the world around you.


When you think about the different corners of the Triangle (and your relationship with yourself) which relationships in your life are or have the potential to be destructive?  As Lisa Sharon Harper, author of The Very Good Gospel, suggests: "Invite Creator God, Elohim, to hover over the deep (the chaos) in those relationships... Invite God to bring clarity, to place boundaries on the pain, and to restore the image of God within you" where you've been wounded.