Who Helps You Flourish?

As relationships have shifted during the quarantine, have you noticed which ones have been especially life-giving for you? There’s a sense in which we flourish most when others help us embrace who we really are - when they reflect back to us the good God created us to be.

John was a friend of Jesus. He was the one often called “the disciple Jesus loved”. He experienced a lot of love and then, at the end of his life John wrote these words to his friends to encourage them to embrace how beloved they were:

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that weshould be called children of God! And that is what we are! - 1 John 3:1

Who plays the role of John in your life (whether they are explicitly religious in helping you remember you are God’s child or not)?

Take some time to ponder which relationships are especially life-giving to you, reflecting back to you your good creation in God's image or inviting you to contribute your strengths to do satisfying work?  Let's take time to thank God for these.