Don't Get Distracted
Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel. 2 Timothy 2:8
Here we see Paul reminding his young friend Timothy about the big story of God's work in the world. At the center of the story is Jesus, and Jesus's story goes back to the Old Testament story with people like David and it goes forward into the resurrection of the dead (not just Jesus's, but ours!).
Paul reminds Timothy of that big story to motivate him to keep focused. Leading up to the above verse he writes, "No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer" (2 Tim 2:4) and it's clear he's trying to push Timothy to stay on mission, to stay on task in this very distracting world. In this image, Jesus is the commanding officer - the clear focus of the soldier's service.
So what distracts you from remembering the big picture? What distracts you from serving your 'commanding officer'? How is Jesus calling you to remember him this day?