Go Home By Another Way

The Magi came from distant lands (modern day Persia, perhaps?) to visit the infant Jesus. But they didn’t go back home the way they came. Herod was trying to embroil them in his schemes to kill the newborn king, but God led them ‘another way home.’

But when they returned to their own land, they didn’t go through Jerusalem to report to Herod, for God had warned them in a dream to go home another way. - Matthew 2:12

As you prepare for the new year, spend some time talking with God about whether there might be ‘another way’ that would be more helpful for you to go this year. This is not about white-knuckling ourselves to achieve some forced goals. This is about imagining with Jesus where we might go to bring more flourishing to the world and to us - which includes what brings us joy.

Use this prayer as a guide.

God of new beginnings,

We admit that we often follow the well-worn path,

simply because others have been there before.

Sometimes this is holy and humble,

but there are days when a new path needs to be tread.

On those new-beginning days, O God,

give us the courage to follow your star.

Give us the courage to go home by another way.

Give us the courage to kick up some dust and walk in a new direction

for the sake of justice, love, and neighbor.

For when you are doing a new thing, we want to have the courage to follow.

With hope in our hearts we wander, we travel.


[Credit: Sanctified Art]