God's Anger as a Shelter
God’s anger lasts only a moment,
but God’s favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning. - Psalm 30:4
Zoë Towler preached on this verse yesterday. When she talked about God’s anger, it was a comfort to her. That’s because she saw how angry God is at injustice and oppression and evil and all the trajedy in the world. And knowing that God is angry about those things provides a sort of shelter for us. That’s why the next verse makes sense: we can weep under the shelter of God’s anger. We can trust that God is also deeply stirred by the wrongness of the world. We have a God who cares.
Can you related to that perspective on God’s anger? What does it arouse in you? And how about the weeping… can you have the courage to be that vulnerable? (If now is not the right place or the right time, that’s okay too - but perhaps you could pray for that right place and time to come)