Kindness Leading to Connection

In thinking about kindness this week I was reflecting on the connecting nature of this fruit of the Spirit. To describe someone or something as kind inherently means there was some sort of outward focused action towards another person. As opposed to love, joy, and peace- which can be seen as an internal state or experience- kindness in and of itself demands to be shared. An action can be kind, many actions can make someone a kind person, a kindness is a deed that meant something important to someone. Kindness connects us to another person and draws us outside of ourselves. 

When I think of moments I’ve experienced kindness, it usually involves the other person giving something of themselves. A friend who offers the kindness of letting me know I have something on my face, an employee who throws in an extra donut just to be nice, the people who have brought me something in a time of need, when a family member left an encouraging voicemail because they knew I was struggling. In each of these tiny moments, someone took some time, money, or energy out of their day to share a blessing with me. These small acts add up to great care, and have always increased my sense of connection to the person who shared it- whether I knew them or not. 

Perhaps in this time and climate we find ourselves living in, kindness leading to connection may be one of the greatest acts that we can do in the name of Jesus. Let’s invite God to show us what connection looks like after we receive or embody acts of kindness this week. 

-Jaime Dunham