Clear is Kind

Have you ever thought of clarity and transparency as kindness? And lack of clarity and transparency, as unkind?

“Clear is kind, unclear is unkind.”

The first time I read this was when studying Dare to Lead by Brené Brown in 2018 during my Educational Leadership program. And it makes so much sense. 

Brown’s framework of kindness, as it relates to organizations and leadership, is to be clear about personal and professional boundaries in order to ground a sense of dependability, respect, and trust. Within clarity lives integrity and a willingness to have tough conversations. 

This genuinely reminds me of one of the core values of CCLB, that being Awkward. Truthfully, CCLB’s core values are an expression of kindness. Jesus-y. Awkward. Better Together. Unforced.

Awkward, as detailed in CCLB’s Core Values:

We surface reality to move towards clarity and each other. We come to conversations intentionally curious, fiercely honest, and trustingly vulnerable. We work hard to create space for those with different backgrounds, embracing discomfort for the sake of seeing the community transformed into the kingdom of God

That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are honestly themselves before him.

John 4:23

How might we show up and be more kind in relationship to one another? What about in relationship with ourselves? 

With love, Denia