A Nudging for Banana Bread
On Sunday, Brenna Rubio shared a quote by Kat Armas that describes the kingdom of God in Luke 13 as being offered by Jesus as an image of a woman’s hands in dough [with] “her labor unseen” and “her work slow and patient.”
How can I picture God’s kingdom? It's like yeast that a woman works into enough dough for three loaves of bread – and waits while the dough rises. Luke 13:20-21 The Message
How lovely is it to envision the kin(g)dom of God through the act of baking, whether that be through preparation, measuring, weighing, sifting, kneading, mixing, proofing (rising), resting, shaping, whisking, folding, creaming, cooling… all parts of a process that manifests into food, and in this instance, that of spiritual food that like bread, cannot be rushed and if you have baked before, you understand.
What lessons might have baking taught you?
Whether it be about following instructions and or embracing mistakes and imperfection from our own baking endeavors, one result from all baking can certainly include the sharing and connection as a result of the process.
Where might Jesus be encouraging you to lean in to embracing the process? What about in connecting with others?
Similar to how flour was shared with us at the end of service so that we may be encouraged to bake and share with our congregation, how might you be encouraged to share spiritual food with another? What about literal food? How might you be nudged in this season of baking for God’s kindom?
How about a nudging for banana bread? (Try this simple banana bread recipe to enjoy and share:)
3 bananas brown, mashed
1/3 cup melted butter
1/2- 1 cup sugar depends on how sweet you want it
1 egg whisked with a fork
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups flour
Preheat oven to 350
In a bowl, mix all ingredients by hand until well incorporated
Pour into a greased bread pan (approx 9x4x4)
Bake 50 minutes to 1 hour or until browned and toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean (check at about 50 minutes)
Cool on a cooling rack
From Eazy Peazy Mealz
NOTE: This week we’re shifting to having devotionals only on Mon-Wed-Fri for a while.