Loving Not Only Much But Well

The remarkable church leader, Archbishop Oscar Romero, was one of the leaders in a national uprising to bring dignity to the poor, to demilitarize the police, and to check the runaway power of governmental leaders. In the end, Romero was assassinated (while offering Mass) because he worked tirelessly to see the kindom of God come in his beloved El Salvador. In his journals he wrote this:

This is the greatest disease of our world today: not knowing how to love.
- Archbishop Oscar Romero

Clearly he was not talking about something sentimental or romantic. He was talking about the real love that embraces others, calls out the best in them, and pushes back against any force that is dehumanizing.

As we look again at the scripture we’ve been pondering all week, let’s look at it through the lens of the life of Oscar Romero. Growing up in rural El Salvador, where the local schools only went through third grade, Romero trained as a carpenter but eventually found his way into the priesthood even though he struggled with mental illness. In his ministry he constantly talked about the love of God in Christ and worked tirelessly to oppose those who were violent and oppressive.

Now come to this passage and ponder it with a hero like Romero in mind. Ask Jesus what he may be saying to you through this simple word:

So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. - Philippians 1:9 The Message