Loving Your Neighbor in a Practical and Political Way

Love your neighbor as yourself. - Leviticus 19:18

In response to the invitation last Sunday to love our neighbors in practical ways, today we’re going to try something a little bit different. We’re going to create an opportunity for you to be involved in local politics at the grass roots level. You do not need to participate! Or there may be some other way you wish to participate, which is just great as well. One way or the other, you can pray about these things.

On Sunday Bill shared about going to a community meeting to build support for community safety in a way that would reduce the possibility of police violence and increase community responsibility for its own well-being. If these issues are important to you, THIS is a 33 minute documentary about a remarkable project in Durham, NC, where community safety partnered with the police department to send trained, non-police response teams to non-violent emergency calls. (98% of all their 911 calls for service were non-violent emergencies). Their program was so successful that they have started a pilot program here in Long Beach.

HERE is a helpful guide on how to reach out with your thoughts about the Community Crisis Response to our City Council members and our Senator, Alex Padilla. It takes very little time to for this small act of political engagement!

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