Needing Others

One of the things Brenna Rubio pointed out in the message Sunday was that the biggest obstacle to receiving the blessings that Jesus has for us in the Beatitudes is that we’re not willing to admit what we really are. We’re scared to admit that we are poor in spirit; we hide from the pain of grieving; we imagine ourselves anything but meek; we avoid hunger and thirsting, and on and on.

But of course, we are poor in spirit. We do mourn. We are meek and not powerful.

So admitting these things seems to be the first step. And perhaps it’s the invitation to a blessing for the very reason that it lets down our walls to others and God - the very walls which kept the blessings out. “Emotionally armored” is a term I (Bill) have often used to describe myself. That armor can keep out the arrows from my enemies, but it also keeps out the gentle touch of my friends.

Mark 8:17 reads this way: “Are your hearts still hardened?” Jesus is challenging the disciples to bring down their walls, to let in their need for God, to allow themselves to be surprised, to be cared for, to be needy.

Will you let down your walls today?