Prayer of Doubt

Often in the scriptures there were prayers that two or more groups said aloud in response to each other, which is what we do sometimes on Sundays. Here’s an example from the Psalms where there’s a leader, then there’s the temple workers (the house of Aaron) and then there’s the rest of the people (Israel at first, then God-fearing non-Jews are included):

Let Israel say:
“His love endures forever.”
Let the house of Aaron say:
“His love endures forever.”
Let those who fear the Lord say:
“His love endures forever.” - Psalm 118:2-4

Today instead of looking analytically at a passage of the Bible, we’re going to pray it, which is just another way to meet Christ in scripture. Our scripture for this prayer is this short verse - read it over and then read through the prayer we prayed in groups on Sunday.

Be merciful to those who doubt. - Jude 22

A Liturgy of Doubt

One: O God, we long for certainty to banish anxiety

Many: Instead, Spirit, grant us courage to face our fears

One: O God, we keep trying to make the whole journey clear

Many: Instead, Spirit, grant us the strength to take one more step

One: O God, we keep thinking doubt is a problem to be overcome

Many: Instead, Spirit, help us see doubt as an invitation to be explored

One: O God, we often give up when our questions do not get answered

Many: Holy Spirit, lead us away from the apathy of cynicism

One: O God, forgive us for using doubt as self-protection

Many: Holy Spirit, grant us the guts to risk really living

One: O God, we thank you for the humility that comes from uncertainty

Many: Holy Spirit, we thank you for how maturity leads into mystery

One: Jesus, we believe

Many: Help us in our unbelief