Short and Simple (and Difficult)
My dear siblings, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. - James 1:19-20
This week we’re leaning in to listening.
As Brenna and Donna pointed out yesterday, the first step in putting this scripture into practice is paying attention. So many of us don’t even notice when we aren’t listening, so how can we learn to listen better? So, to this end, this is going to be a very short and sweet devotional - and very difficult.
Be on the lookout for opportunities to listen - especially in situations when you would be tempted to do the speaking or to become angry. I guarantee you that God will give you plenty of opportunities for this if you ask!
Spend some time now listening in quiet to God for a minute before speaking this simple prayer:
“O God, show me this day and this week the opportunities you are giving me to listen more than I normally do. Help me pay attention, even if I mess them up. Help me to notice chances to hear you and hear others.”