What Is God Feeling?

Read the following passage over slowly. Lean in. Open your ears. What do you hear? Have you ever wondered about God’s feelings - what is God feeling in this passage?

I wish you would listen to me!
Don’t have anything to do with the gods of other nations.
    Don’t bow down and worship any god other than me.

I am the Lord your God.
    I brought you up out of Egypt.
    Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things.

But my people wouldn’t listen to me.
    Israel wouldn’t obey me.
So I let them go their own stubborn way.
    I let them follow their own sinful plans.

I wish my people would listen to me!

- Psalm 81:8-13

This time, read the passage again - out loud if you can - as if it were the Spirit of God whispering it in your ear. What do you hear? What is

I wish you would listen to me!
Don’t have anything to do with the gods of other nations.
    Don’t bow down and worship any god other than me.

I am the Lord your God.
    I brought you up out of Egypt.
    Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things.

But my people wouldn’t listen to me.
    Israel wouldn’t obey me.
So I let them go their own stubborn way.
    I let them follow their own sinful plans.

I wish my people would listen to me!

- Psalm 81:8-13

Respond to God out of what you have heard.

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