The Messiah

Yesterday we looked at the context for the prophecy of the Messiah in Micah 5. In Micah 4 we get a clear vision for the renewal of all things, a vision for what the new kingdom of this Messiah would look like. Then in Micah 6:9 we get a clear call (you could call it a vocation) - to participate in this renewal, this kingdom, by doing justice, loving mercy, and staying spiritually humble.

Sandwhiched in the middle of that context is the prophecy of the Messiah who would come and leverage authority to shepherd and care for people instead of ruling with an iron fist.

As you read over this scripture, note what word or phrase or image strikes most deeply. Hold that nugget in your heart and talk with God about your own need for this kind of Messiah and for your world’s need of this kind of Messiah:

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are small among the clans of Judah,
out of you will come for me
one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins are from of old,
from ancient times…

He will stand and shepherd his flock
    in the strength of the Lord,
    in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
And they will live securely, for then his greatness
    will reach to the ends of the earth. - Micah 5:2, 4