The small and unseen work

Again [Jesus] asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.” - Luke 13:20-21

Take a moment to picture a pair of strong, steady hands working patiently, purposefully through a mound of warm, fragrant dough. No one else is here in the kitchen, this humble, home-y space. But you can see the muscles in her hands, forearms, even shoulders, working. You can smell the feast to come. Who is our baker planning to feed? What stories will be told around that table? What good work will be nourished and advanced? All from such small, simple ingredients. All from such patient, persistent effort.

“Empires always ask us to look up—to thrones, to banners, to the illusion of greatness. But the kindom of God asks us to look closer. It is there, in the hands of women baking bread, in the small and unseen work that sustains life. It surprises us in its simplicity, its humanity, and it always leaves us with more than enough.” - Kat Armas

Where is God inviting you to look closer this morning - to see her sustaining work, however loudly empire blares its distractions? Where is God inviting you to partake of the feast? How is she inviting you to join in the work? Take a few minutes to talk with Jesus about these things.

NOTE: This week we’re shifting to having devotionals only on Mon-Wed-Fri for a while.