Three Questions

As Meghan Williams preached yesterday (Sunday videos/audios are posted on our website HERE) there was a collective sigh of relief that she allowed us to feel what’s really going on inside of each of us without necessarily being shamed for it or being controlled by it. She had three questions for us to ponder:

  1. What emotions are surfacing for me as this situation continues to unfold? (Grief, sadness, anger, disbelief, anxiety, etc.?)

  2. Is this strong emotion causing me to respond by drifting more toward chaos or rigidity? (see picture below)

  3. What does well-being look/feel like for me? And what do I need daily, or even moment to moment, to get back to a place of well-being?

Then she spoke how she took some time to reflect and find clarity, spending time with each word in Philippians 4:8. Perhaps you could spend time reflecting on these words as well, asking God to show you what is true about the world, about God, about yourself in this season; asking God to remind you of who is acting nobly in these days; etc. Take some time with this scripture today, allowing it to help you navigate the narrow stream between the jungle shore of chaos and the rocky shore of rigidity…

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8
