Sometimes we ask hard questions of God, but sometimes we avoid them because they feel too vulnerable, too risky.
Read MoreDaily Devotional
Our God delights in questions…. asking so, so many of them of us. Will we return the favor?
Read MoreLots of interesting things happen when we ask questions. Today we look at some of them.
Read MoreToday we do a bit of midrash with the story of Jesus watching the widow offer her coins at the temple.
Read MoreWhen we follow our anger down its rabbit hole, we get to learn all sorts of things about ourselves - and then we can choose the way out.
Read MoreThere’s anger that motivates change and inspires working for justice… typically we call this righteous anger.
Read MoreAnger has consequences. It always does. And when it’s used to destroy, those consequences are despicable.
Read MoreSome of us have been taught not to be angry. Some of us have anger issues. And most of us have a fraught relationship with anger. So let’s look at it head on this week.
Read MoreGuided by a the wise and insightful words of Joy Harjo, we dive into grief, hope, and understanding.
Read MoreRepentance and other aspects of our faith almost universally taught to be individual acts. But then we miss out on the corporate nature of them.
Read MoreOften people think that God is angry just like God is loving. But there’s a huge difference.
Read MoreThere’s a better way to think about repentance - and the strange thing is, it’s totally biblical
Read MoreToday we reflect on Indigenous People's Day and what that might mean for our faith.
Read MoreThis is a prayer for all those who face stormy sees today in their world or in their insides.
Read MoreIt’s so very hard to rise up out of a current crisis to gain the perspective from God’s work in the past, or to try to find hope for the future. Today’s prayer can be a resource.
Read MoreJonah actually didn’t pray for God to deliver him from the belly of the fish. Nope. What Jonah did do in that nasty, smelly, dark and dank space was to thank God for the fish!
Read MoreJonah cried out in his despair while in the belly of the whale, and he felt the freedom to blame God for it. It can be helpful to look at those ‘negative’ feelings towards God when we feel cut-off.
Read MoreSometimes it takes us a while to turn our attention back to God. Jonah took a LOOOOOONG time to reconnect… and yet God was waiting and gracious, not judging or angry.
Read MoreBefore being thrown into the flames, three young Jewish men give us some keen insight into God’s approach to miracles.
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