When you read through the Gospels, there’s an interesting thing that you see Jesus doing and not doing. Notice how he handles the Bible himself.
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A lot of us grew up in religious spaces that placed a high value on the Bible.
Read MoreIt’s very, very tempting to use the Bible against people.
Read MoreHere is the prayer that Brenna Rubio prayed over us yesterday - very appropriate given the brokenness of our world, our nation, and ourselves.
Read MoreThis song was written by a queer Christian who didn’t have a great experience in their church.
Read MoreThe biblical prophets were not easy on the people either, especially on the religious people.
Read MoreA quote that Brenna Rubio shared in the message on Sunday popped up a few times on City Church people’s Instagram stories, a sure sign that it struck home.
Read MoreJesus had strong words for religious people who didn’t live out what they said they believed.
Read MoreToday we sit with the words of a poet, allowing the Spirit to open our heart.
Read MoreOn Sunday we looked at how passages about the ‘vindication of Jerusalem’ (Isaiah 6:21) can be interpreted to justify violence against anyone seen to be a geopolitical enemy of the modern day country of Israel.
Read MoreHe makes wars to cease throughout the earth; He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the shields in the fire. - Psalm 46:9
Read MoreThere was a gathering of over 100 Long Beach pastors in mid-December where Beth Balmer, one of the pastors at Grace LB, prayed this over us all. As you read it, see if you can make this prayer for Long Beach (or your city… or our world) for the New Year.
Read MoreJob’s only wise friend, Elihu, shares these words with him about how God does indeed speak to His people. Elihu emphasizes three things. First, that God speaks. Second, that He speaks in various ways. Third, that we often do not hear Him.
Read Moreif you listen to the prophecy about John the Baptist’s birth, it seems like he’s going to be a pretty religious guy. But when you look at how he played it out, it looks different. Listen in to the forecast of who John would be:
Read MoreThe Christmas story ends in the temple in Jerusalem with a prophet coming up to Mary and Joseph and the infant Jesus.
Read MoreAs you bask in the goodness (and/or sadness) of Christmas yesterday, take a few moments to join with one of the saints of old to reflect on the real work of Christmas.
Read MoreGood news. All people. Great joy. Savior. It just doesn’t get much better than this.
Read MoreHeading into Christmas weekend, take a few breaths. Read some poetry. Ask Jesus to meet you and to change you and to change the world.
Read MoreToday we look at the beginning of the Christmas story. Note how it starts with the geopolitical situation of the day. Embedded in these few lines is inherent commentary on governance, power, taxation, oppression, economics, ethnic issues., and more.
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