
Daily Devotional

The New Long Beach

There was a gathering of over 100 Long Beach pastors in mid-December where Beth Balmer, one of the pastors at Grace LB, prayed this over us all. As you read it, see if you can make this prayer for Long Beach (or your city… or our world) for the New Year.

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Living Out Our Calling

if you listen to the prophecy about John the Baptist’s birth, it seems like he’s going to be a pretty religious guy. But when you look at how he played it out, it looks different. Listen in to the forecast of who John would be:

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Finding Jesus in the News

Today we look at the beginning of the Christmas story. Note how it starts with the geopolitical situation of the day. Embedded in these few lines is inherent commentary on governance, power, taxation, oppression, economics, ethnic issues., and more.

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