
Daily Devotional

Jesus and the Blind

Our theme verse for the week is that Jesus came “to set the oppressed free” (Luke 4:18). In that same message, Jesus talked about poverty and incarceration as signs of where oppression flourished. And then Jesus mentioned health.

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Jesus and the Captives

In his inaugural sermon in Luke 4, Jesus says that he came ‘to set the oppressed free.’ Yesterday we looked at the first category of the oppressed: those who are economically oppressed. Today, we’re thinking about Jesus’s second category: the incarcerated.

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Jesus and the Poor

In his inaugural sermon, Jesus lays out his vision for why he came. He quotes from the prophet Isaiah, summarizing it all with the words, “to set the oppressed free and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:19).

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My Power Has Gotten Me This Wealth

Americans tend to love the idea of the self-made man (and yes, it’s usually males who love this idea the most). Whether or not we can articulate it, we tend to think of ourselves as deserving of our pay because, after all, we worked for it. Rarely, if ever, do we stop to recognize where our ability to work came from.

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I'm Not Perfect

There’s a passage in Paul’s letter to the Philippians where he writes what might come across as arrogant: “All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things” (Philippians 3:15).

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Be Perfect

Detriech Bonhoeffer, the German martyr, wrote about ‘the pathological overburdening of life by the ethical’ - this sense in which we try so hard to be morally pure that all our white-knuckling gives us an ulcer

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