Christmas means liberation from shame - what an enormous gift.
Read MoreDaily Devotional
In looking for the arc of redemption of David--we have missed the horrible tragedy that is committed. One of God’s beloved children, Bathsheba, is brutally violated.
Read MoreContent Warning: Today’s devo addresses sexual violence.
Read MoreHave you ever stopped and allowed yourself to imagine God as grandmother? Let’s try a little devotional experiment. Pull to mind an image of the most amazing abuelita you know - strong, loving, persistent, wise. Keep her face in front of you mentally as you read this parable Jesus gave of how God is at work in the world.
Read MoreWhat do we learn from the Tamar story? One of our former pastors shares his perspective.
Read MoreThe story of Tamar is one usually just briefly mentioned as pastors focus on their “superstars” in the lineage of Jesus. But when you take some time with it, you realize Tamar is actually an incredibly relatable character in the Bible. Tamar had her family, laws, religion, tradition against her, but she figured out how to stand up for herself.
Read MoreDottie shares the strange reasons why the Tamar story is now her favorite Bible story
Read MoreThe Bible talks about sexuality without blushing. It’s just baked right into the stories… because it’s baked right in to being human.
Read MoreRahab was outside of God’s people… and yet still heard from God. Is there a way for you today, outside of standard religious ways, to hear from God?
Read MoreRahab didn’t just accidentally fall into being a hero. She knew what to say and how to act - she’d put in the time to prepare.
Read MoreRahab is often called “the prostitute” in the Bible and in church history. How do you think she would have felt about that label always being connected to her?
Read MoreThere’s a story about a woman who had been almost buried alive by the labels she’d been given… until she finds her own strength and Jesus, both.
Read MoreBravery sometimes means facing risk and sometimes facing boredom - but always it entails stepping out in ways that are uncomfortable.
Read MoreMatthew 1 presents the genealogy of Jesus including a few women who could not be considered perfect or traditional Jewish women. They were outsiders, women who committed questionable acts, some who sinned, some who were sinned against... And yet they are included in the genealogy when other women who might be more "acceptable" (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel) are not named.
Read MoreAs we looked at the disruptive way Matthew 1 shares the genealogy of Jesus on Sunday ("This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham... Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar..."), one thing that stood out was the importance of being named - sometimes re-named. Tiger Veenstra, a CCLB leader, shares their story
Read MoreWhat do you learn from children when you’re in a space to really notice them? What childlike parts of your own heart do you have a tendency to consider a bother (like the disciples) and scold?
Read MoreRuth broke religious rules because she prioritized what mattered to God (and to her!). We are invited to do the same.
Read MoreHow do you describe the indescribable? Today, we’re giving that a shot.
Read MoreA simple and powerful prayer of thanksgiving to mark our day and remind us of what matters most.
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