
Daily Devotional

God Our Grandmother

Have you ever stopped and allowed yourself to imagine God as grandmother? Let’s try a little devotional experiment. Pull to mind an image of the most amazing abuelita you know - strong, loving, persistent, wise. Keep her face in front of you mentally as you read this parable Jesus gave of how God is at work in the world.

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Tamar Stands Up

The story of Tamar is one usually just briefly mentioned as pastors focus on their “superstars” in the lineage of Jesus. But when you take some time with it, you realize Tamar is actually an incredibly relatable character in the Bible. Tamar had her family, laws, religion, tradition against her, but she figured out how to stand up for herself.

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Jesus is Not Ashamed of You

Matthew 1 presents the genealogy of Jesus including a few women who could not be considered perfect or traditional Jewish women. They were outsiders, women who committed questionable acts, some who sinned, some who were sinned against... And yet they are included in the genealogy when other women who might be more "acceptable" (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel) are not named.

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The Story of When God Named Me Tiger

As we looked at the disruptive way Matthew 1 shares the genealogy of Jesus on Sunday ("This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham... Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar..."), one thing that stood out was the importance of being named - sometimes re-named. Tiger Veenstra, a CCLB leader, shares their story

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