To do justice is one of the key ways we’re invited into a full and flourishing life.
Read MoreDaily Devotional
The way of wisdom surfaces as very practical today, even to the point of saying the name Keenan Anderson and asking the question of Why?
Read MoreJesus refers to Wisdom as a person… and uses that to describe himself. How does that affect how we pray?
Read MoreA simple poem today - for simple people trying to find God in the simple gifts of each day.
Read MoreIn both Old and New Testaments, God shows true delight in us. Sometimes it can be hard to believe it.
Read MoreThe blessing that we say most weeks at the end of church is a throw back to the passage we’re thinking about today: all about delight and destiny.
Read MoreFor today’s devo, I want to offer a “practice of delight” that might help us deepen our connection to the delight of God and the ways God delights in us.
Read MoreLet’s compare Christena Cleveland’s White Male God with God as Wisdom - Sophia - Jesus. Listen to how She describes Herself:
Read MoreThis is a simple prayer of blessing - for both you and for others.
Read MoreSeeing Jesus as Wisdom can change some of the insights we gain from the most common bible stories we associate with Jesus in his ministry.
Read MoreFor some, feminine images of Jesus can be remarkably healing and redemptive.
Read MoreIs God male? Why do we use male pronouns to refer to God? Is that biblical? Explore these things - and their impact on us - today.
Read MoreMost of us grew up with only male images of God: King, Lord, Prince of Peace, etc. If scripture promoted female images of God, would you be open to learning new ways to think of God?
Read MoreIt’s hard to face uncertainty. It’s easier if we have a healthy perspective on it.
Read MoreGod gave an incredible invitation to Mary. God is still giving invitations today. What will you do with yours?
Read MoreThis is a strange in-between week; we’re past Christmas but still headed towards New Years. How do you feel? What do you need? How do you handle these in-between times?
Read MoreJudy Kim reflects on the very real fears that we all have to face.
Read MoreToday is for those who, as the holiday festivities ramped up, up, up, felt heavier and heavier. Perhaps it’s grief or loneliness. We see you. God sees you. Sensory or social overload. Expectations you don’t feel you can meet. We see you. God sees you.
Read MoreOur friend Rev. Riana Shaw Robinson kicks us off here with reflections on what it meant for Jesus to take on flesh and blood… and how that led into the particular kind of song Mary sang.
Read MoreRebekah Martinek-Williams reflects on the unhelpful ways she heard the David & Bathsheba story growing up in church and wonders if there’s not a better way.
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