It’s not unusual at all for Jesus to heal someone and to then immediately send them on their way. He regularly missed out on great opportunities to do evangelism by letting the moment pass.
Read MoreDaily Devotional
On Sunday we reflected on the story of the woman at the well. In so many ways it represents the kinds of opportunities we have every day to interact with others, to pay attention to their needs, to extend compassion and to do justice.
Read MorePerhaps one of the most common manifestations of the Kingdom of God is the conversations we have every day.
Read MoreOn Sunday we said this prayer together at church. It honors the people like Nicodemus who were curious about Jesus, but not certain.
Read MoreIn Jesus’s words, those with questions have '“the secrete of the kingdom of God.” What if our churches had taught this approach to curiosity?
Read MoreSometimes Jesus gives us privacy for our spiritual journey. Sometimes he doesn’t.
Read MoreNicodemus seems to have a bit of complicated relationship with his peers.
Read MoreBrenna shared yesterday how she’d grown up being critical of Nicodemus. He didn’t even have the guts to show up in the day time, to be loud and proud about his faith journey. But then she shared how, of late, she’s had more compassion for Nicodemus.
Read MoreAs we wrap up the first week of Lent, take some time to reflect on the beginning of this 40-day season. Sit with this prayer, this poem. What stirs in you? What hopes for this season? What temptations to merely hover?
Read MoreThere are two types of spiritual practices: subtracting and adding. When you put them together they are particularly powerful.
Read MoreIf we quiet down our bodies and minds, it doesn’t take long for the voices to surface. On Sunday we took some time to ponder how Jesus spent time in the desert and had to contend with the same sorts of voices we do.
Read MoreDottie Oleson explores three different needs she had in her season of pregnancy, inviting us to consider what our needs are now.
Read MoreThis season leading up to Easter, called Lent, is pregnant with potential. Are you tapping into it?
Read MoreSometimes we’re so focused ‘upward’ on God that we miss how God is calling us to be grounded in the work of doing justice here on the ground.
Read MorePlunging into the depths with God can be both an experience of sadness and great comfort.
Read MoreSeeking is a huge theme in the scriptures. We’re going on a journey together this Lent to seek - to ask - to be curious - and to grow.
Read MoreJesus often asks, “What do you want?” Rarely do we know ourselves (or have the courage) to answer honestly.
Read MoreListen to Jon and Valerie Guerra’s gorgeous song as an invitation to meditate on the words of Jesus.
Read MorePaul writes that freedom is not always free - we have to fight for it sometimes.
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