Talk about holding tension - wow, the passage today is a zinger!
Read MoreDaily Devotional
John the Baptist showed up with refreshing honesty and simplicity. He didn’t overpromise and he didn’t sell a gimmicky spirituality. He told it like it is, including how messy the world is, how messy our souls are, and how we could do better at caring for both the world and our souls.
Read MoreThe title of this devotional is a ruse, I’m afraid.
Read MoreWhat word or phrase or image stands out to you today and why? Sit with that in prayer for a few moments.
Read MoreThis devotional is especially for those of us who have some measure of privilege.
Read MoreToday we look at a classic Old Testament text: the three Israelites in the fiery furnace.
Read MoreSome church traditions emphasize (overemphasize?) the victory we experience in Christ. Because he rose from the dead, it is often argued, we also get to overcome every challenge and come out as ‘winners.’
Read MoreGaslighting is not a new thing. It’s a human thing.
Read MoreToday we pray with Teresa of Ávila
Read MoreThe great psychiatrist, teacher, and spiritual leader Carl Jung once said, “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls.” Can’t you relate to that?
Read MoreLet us draw near to God with a sincere heart… - Hebrews 10:21
Read MoreToday we’re having an extended reading about finding sacredness outside of Sunday worship.
Read MoreYesterday we talked about how, in Christ, God invites us all into the Most Holy Place. While that image was used by the author of Hebrews to evoke the awe and intimacy of the central space in the temple in Jerusalem, in Christ we get to expand beyond just a physical place.
Read MoreIn the midst of this troubling world, where do we find peace? Take some time to listen to this song and let it bring healing and hope to your soul.
Read MoreOne of the things we try to control the most is ourselves, and that often leads to disastrous consequences. Not to mention trying to control others.
Read MoreAs we’ve thought this week about the gentleness of Jesus, how does it settle on your soul that Jesus did not need to force his way on others?
Read MoreGod is not above being called a fool. In fact, scripture often portrays God as foolish.
Read MoreThis week we’ll be thinking about gentle Jesus and how he can actually bring us healing and hope, even in the midst of the crazy world we live in, the war in Gaza, the political divide in America, and systematic injustice everywhere.
Read MoreFour short reflections on rest today. Which one strikes you the most and why?
Read MoreAre you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?
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