
Daily Devotional

Balancing Contentment and Growth

John the Baptist showed up with refreshing honesty and simplicity. He didn’t overpromise and he didn’t sell a gimmicky spirituality. He told it like it is, including how messy the world is, how messy our souls are, and how we could do better at caring for both the world and our souls.

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Honest Prayer

The great psychiatrist, teacher, and spiritual leader Carl Jung once said, “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls.” Can’t you relate to that?

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Your Most Holy Place

Yesterday we talked about how, in Christ, God invites us all into the Most Holy Place. While that image was used by the author of Hebrews to evoke the awe and intimacy of the central space in the temple in Jerusalem, in Christ we get to expand beyond just a physical place.

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Gentle Jesus

This week we’ll be thinking about gentle Jesus and how he can actually bring us healing and hope, even in the midst of the crazy world we live in, the war in Gaza, the political divide in America, and systematic injustice everywhere.

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