
Daily Devotional

How Often Do We Flee Rest

So much of learning to rest is responding to God’s invitation. There are so, so many other things that put a demand on us. To slow down, to calm down, to power down - these are required to get to that point when we can move into trust, and from there we can move into renewal.

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We don’t often speak of Huldah, but she was a powerful prophet in one of the most dreadful times of Israel’s history. As the country was being torn apart from outside as well as from within, she spoke about how our selfish actions have consequences - because God loves justice.

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Receiving a New Heart

If we’re honest, it won’t take that long to get to the point where you realize you can’t keep your heart tender by yourself. Perhaps you’ve found this too: it’s just so very hard to change our attitudes, our character, our will.

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How many times have we each witnessed the scene (or been a part of it!) where a parent does something that embarrasses their kid? Maybe it’s the uncool shirt we wear or how we greet them after school or something we say over dinner… and our kids just can’t stand it.

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Brother Jesus

Our passage for the message yesterday was about how Jesus was “made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God” (Hebrews 2:17).

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Jesus the Christ

“Jesus Christ” isn’t a full name, as in someone having a first and last name. “Christ” is a title. It means messiah. So as we do some thinking about Jesus, it’s actually important to understand that Jesus was the Christ - but not always.

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