Just starting to think about mentors (and some of the myths we bring to mentoring).
Read MoreDaily Devotional
Today we reflect on how the broken are invited into the kingdom but those of us who refuse to admit our weakness never find a way in.
Read MoreBelovedness is the ground of our being, not shamefulness. If we get that right, everything else follows.
Read MoreTo love our neighbors as ourselves means that Jesus thinks it’s healthy to love ourselves! Too bad many of us think humility means not loving ourselves.
Read MoreResearch on humility shows that it’s a predictor of all kinds of good things… Just like the Bible promises.
Read MoreHumility has been weaponized over and over again against those on the margins and against the hearts and souls of children growing up in the faith. Perhaps Jesus can redeem it for us now.
Read MoreWe listen in on the poet’s invitation to enter into Brave Space with one another.
Read MoreWe need all kinds of wisdom to handle conflict well. But there’s something else we need, which is even harder: the capacity to love our enemies.
Read MoreThere are many reasons not to enter conflict - some are wise, some are avoidance. Can we talk honestly with Jesus about them?
Read MoreSome conflict simply cannot be worked out. Paul recognizes that cutting off communication may be the healthiest option, even though it’s a last resort.
Read MoreConflict is common and painful, and it affects entire communities. God’s plan is not to ignore it.
Read MoreToday we get to reflect on the most famous love poem ever written and to listen in for a fresh word from God.
Read MoreWhat is the connection between our flourishing and our loving well? It’s worth thinking about.
Read MoreThis week we’re focusing on the simple (but hard) process of loving well. Today we start with a very practical step.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to you to be content with just who you are? Could God gift you with that sense of fullness?
Read MoreSometimes the hardest thing for us to do is to slow down, to surrender our need to prove ourselves, and to remember how beloved we are.
Read MoreCan you hear Jesus inviting you to slip away today? What might it look like to say yes to his invitation?
Read MoreJesus found special grounding when he was able to step away from the demands of the world. As you read this short passage, talk with him about how you are doing with being alone.
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