Peter summed up Jesus’s life as “he went around doing good.” Would your neighbors think to describe you that way?
Read MoreDaily Devotional
There’s no better time than July 4th to remember who is God and to surrender our insecurities about our nation to God.
Read MoreToday we read a modern parable to revisit the lavish love of Jesus.
Read MoreHear the Father’s heart for you today, whether you are the younger son or the older son.
Read MoreIt’s not just the younger son who is the foolish one in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The Father is foolish as well.
Read MoreIn the story of the Prodigal Son there were TWO sons who ran away from the father. One just did it while staying at the house.
Read MorePerhaps the younger son wasn’t driven away by his father or even by his own selfishness… perhaps there was another culprit.
Read MoreToday we expand our approach to understanding how Christ’s life set us right with God.
Read MoreThe Bible uses different images to talk about what Christ accomplished on the cross. Today we look at the image of the scapegoat.
Read MoreScripture teaches us that God chose us before the beginning of time… that has serious implications for how we see ourselves.
Read MoreThe cross has been understood many ways over the centuries - but James Cone points us to one of the ways it absolutely must be understood today in America.
Read MoreToday we reflect on the Juneteenth prayer we spent time in yesterday at church, continuing to thank God for freedom and asking God for the grace to participate in the continuing work of justice.
Read MoreToday we pray through the thoughtful prayer from our Sunday service.
Read MoreIf we are gentle with our doubt, instead of overcompensating and trying to banish it, we might just find that it’s a window to faith.
Read MoreQuestioning God. Pushing back against God. These are bad things, right? Well, not if you look at the amazing example of the woman at the well. Maybe we should learn from her.
Read MoreThe woman at the well disrupts out simplistic systems for categorizing people (and reveals how biased they are!)
Read MoreThere’s a real temptation to pigeonhole people - it reduces our cognitive dissonance if we can fit them into some preexisting box so we don’t have to put all the energy into receiving them as they are. Jesus takes a different approach.
Read MoreToday’s poem was written almost a thousand years ago by an old monk trying to help people stay connected with God not just through scholarship but through embracing mystery.
Read MoreIt can be too easy for the church to just keep doing what it’s always done… but Jesus models for us a willingness to grow and change for the sake of the world.
Read MoreIt would be offensive and perhaps threatening to say that Jesus wasn’t perfect. And yet that’s exactly what the Bible says - but in a way that’s hopeful and in no way says that Jesus was corrupted.
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