So, so often in the New Testament, the word ‘you’ is in PLURAL form. So often we’ve read it as the individual ‘you’ and made our faith a very private matter.
Read MoreDaily Devotional
Have you ever noticed that when someone is vulnerable with you about their failings that you feel more comfortable being yourself, sharing your doubts or losses or mistakes?
Read MoreJesus knew that Peter would rotate out of the close orbit he was in around Jesus, and indeed Peter did.
Read MoreListen to the poet and the prophet today. Hear the whispers of “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” and “Blessed are those who mourn…” and Blessed are the meek…” What might the Spirit be saying to you?
Read MoreToday we’re looking at a passage that has stirred all sorts of ideas (and controversies) over the centuries.
Read MoreThere are lots of things that are good for others but not necessarily good for you. So we don’t need to criticize those good things if they don’t fit us. But we also don’t need to put them on ourselves.
Read MoreSix times in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says, “You have heard it said… but I say to you…” It’s important to note that he’s not saying that the former things were bad.
Read Moreit’s no wonder that the people were so intrigued by this new way of life that Jesus was offering that they wanted him to usher it in completely.
Read MoreAs we reflect on the different orbits that followers of Jesus fall into, some insight from an unusual source might be helpful.
Read MoreToday we’re reading a short text that you don’t hear about much in the church.
Read MoreToday we’re looking at the near orbit. Notice how these women followed Jesus, giving up their families and their normal lives to follow along with him from village to village. Note how they spent their money to support the whole group of disciples.
Read MoreMartha and her sister Mary and their brother Lazarus were dear friends of Jesus. But they didn’t spend a lot of time with him. Only occasionally did they get to connect. That connection was mostly when Jesus came to their little village of Bethany and stayed with them.
Read MoreYesterday we heard what many people said was an unusual message. Instead of pressuring for more regular church attendance, the message was about how God honors peoples’s spiritual journeys even when it leads them away from Sunday attendance.
Read MoreAs we’ve been thinking about arguing with God this week, the intro to a long poem came to mind. It’s from a friend of City Church who has had plenty of these challenging conversations with God.
Read MoreArguing with God is a common theme in the scriptures. Often, it’s the most mature spiritual leaders who do the most arguing. We’ve been looking at Moses this week, but other examples abound. Today, let’s look at Habakkuk, the great prophet.
Read MoreAt the edge of the Promised Land, Moses and God get into a tussle. There have been all sorts of ups and downs in their relationship, not to mention all the drama between the people in general and God. It hasn’t been easy.
Read MoreThere’s lots of arguing between God and the people in Chapter 33 of Exodus. It starts when God, frustrated by the people’s fickleness and unwillingness to stay connected relationally, has what might be called an emotional outburst. Essentially God says, “I’m done with you!”
Read MoreThe temptations to side with the have’s versus the have nots and perhaps enjoy some scraps from their table are real. How does love of God and others move us?
Read MoreSince we’ve been considering kairos all week, this seemed like an appropriate way to head into our weekend.
Read MoreOne of the best things about Jesus is that he shows us how to do the spiritual journey in healthy, life-giving ways. In our passage for today, note how Jesus himself kept watch for what God was up to.
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