Paul tries to reorient the Galatians to who Christ is and what the ultimate purpose of all religious and moral actions.
Read MoreDaily Devotional
When Paul thinks of his friends in different churches, he has a clear vision of who they can become. I
Read MoreWhile seeming counterintuitive at first, motivational interviewing can help people discern their own way forward by helping them look at the assumptions behind their actions.
Read MoreOne of the things Tiger pointed out in the message yesterday is that a lot of people use God and religion in ways that are unhelpful and unhealthy.
Read MoreWe listen in today to one of the most famous poems about hope.
Read MoreMay integrity and uprightness protect me!
Read MoreHOPE: All will be well in the end. If all is not well, it is not the end.
Read MoreWhat would be a good doubt for you to doubt today?
Read MoreThe Easter story certainly does not start with hope. It starts with love, loyalty and service.
Read MoreEaster is coming, Thank God. And yet the best way to prepare for Sunday is to really experience Friday.
Read MoreToday we have the gift of a guest devotional from our dear friend Kristyn Komarnicki
Read MoreIt can feel almost embarrassing sometimes to tell Jesus what we really want him to do for us.
Read MoreSo much of religion is about ‘serving God’ - and yet Jesus made is crystal clear that’s not why he came.
Read MoreThe night before he was betrayed, Jesus stooped down to serve his friends by washing their feet.
Read MoreToday we’re leaning in to the wisdom of our Cole Arthur Riley over at Black Liturgies.
Read MoreOne of the prayers that King David wrote down (and which the Spirit preserved for us) conveys how tricky forgiveness is.
Read MoreIn the context of forgiveness, Jesus teaches that our decisions have weight.
Read MoreToday we hear an insight from a church leader from almost 1000 years ago.
Read MoreWe’ve all done it. You get so many at someone and you refuse to let it go.
Read MoreWhat is the role of holding on? What is the role of letting go?
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