An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. - MLK
Read MoreDaily Devotional
This week we’re reflecting on that simple, but very difficult prayer: “Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). One thing that really encourages me as I pray it is that Jesus knew what he was asking of us.
Read MoreHe is the Maker of heaven and earth...
Read MoreThis week we’re looking at that prayer from Matthew 6 when Jesus teaches us to pray:
Give us today our daily bread. - Mark 6:10
Read MoreAll week we’ve been looking at how the scriptures teach that God looks at each human without favoritism - and how this pushes up against the exceptionalism embedded in Christian Nationalism.
Read MoreThis is one of my (Bill) all-time least favorite passages in the Bible.
Read MoreHistory has proven again and again when the action of othering occurs, it is an act of alienation and rejection.
Read MoreCharles Clay and Dave Neumann pointed out the historical context around Christian Nationalism as a political approach to uniting the church and the state.
Read MoreLet's think about love not in relation to two people's relationship but as approach to the common good - in other words, politics.
Read MoreIn response to the invitation last Sunday to love our neighbors in practical ways, today we’re going to try something a little bit different and downright political.
Read MoreToday we’re going to spend a moment reading and rereading a prayer from the book of Psalms.
Read MoreThese were the opening words of Jesus’s ministry in the book of Luke. Then he said, “These words are fulfilled today in your hearing.” That basically means, “This is what I’ve come to do.”
Read MoreOn Sunday, a practice was shared during the service that felt very timely and quite essential.
Read MoreJesus teaches us to pray “May your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). So what does God’s kingdom look like, and what might it look like for it to come to earth?
Read MoreThe first line of the Lord’s Prayer/Our Father is all about being grounded.
Read MoreWhen reflecting on toxic relationships, I believe it to be about callousness and injustice.
Read MorePower and love were meant to go together.
Read MoreOur last series was about the fruit of the Spirit and our new series is about politics. Perhaps this thoughtful reflection from Dave Neumann might help us tie them together….
Read MoreKaty’s theme verse from the Camino was “I will sing a new song to Yahweh” (Psalm 40:3).
Read MoreOften in the Psalms you hear the authors of these prayers talking to themselves.
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