Jesus taught over and over again that God is our parent. But he didn’t come up with that idea. It goes at least as far back as the Psalms, written hundreds of years before Christ.
Read MoreDaily Devotional
Can you receive a blessing - can you let it in and allow your soul to awaken to the good words spoken over you?
Read MoreIf listening to God in scripture is supposed to produce good fruit, then a lot of us might need to reconsider how we’ve listened to God there, because we’re not flourishing like it says we should be.
Read MoreSometimes we have to do some work to appropriately re-translate some bible words if we’re going to be able to meet God in scripture.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to have God be your secure dwelling place?
Read MoreA Psalm of Orientation is a simple prayer that reflects on a spiritual life that feels ordered, clear, and hopeful. There are probably some areas of your life where you feel that way.
Read MoreLearning how name what’s going on in yourself is essential for prayer. Today, there’s a practical exercise for you.
Read MoreThe single word exclamations we used daily are reflected - and carried deeper - in the Psalms.
Read MoreIt’s not possible to grow in your prayer life without become well-versed in your own emotions.
Read MoreToday we listen to the poet to make sure we’re leaning in to the complexities of walking away.
Read MoreSometimes time gives us a long enough perspective for there to be some reconciliation.
Read MoreWhat do we do with Jesus’s teaching that when others’ don’t accept us we should shake the dust off our feet?
Read MoreScripture gives a couple of disclaimers when it comes to reconciling. We don’t always have to do that work - sometimes we’re allowed to walk away.
Read MoreSometimes conflict disrupts Christian community. That’s the way it has always been - all the way back to the early church.
Read MoreToday we get to reflect on three quotes from the wise as we consider what mentoring means.
Read MoreSometimes the next step for our spiritual life is very simple. When it comes to gaining wisdom, it can be as simple as scheduling a walk with someone you consider wise.
Read MoreSometimes Paul comes off sounding arrogant (like in our passage today). Perhaps there’s another way to look at it (while still acknowledging that he can be kind of arrogant!)
Read MoreThe gospel writer Mark had a bunch of mentors throughout his life. Do you?
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